That the Nigeria Police Force is adjudged to be the most corrupt government organization in the country is no longer news and that it is one of the most derided professions is just an issue of an acceptable normal within the Nigerian society.

An average Nigerian Police Officer is a ravenous wolf especially when in uniform and armed and is capable of just about anything heinous, sometimes one wonders if they’re indeed humans at all whenever their terrible other side pops up.

One obvious truth we often throw to the bin is that the Police Force is a direct reflection of the society they operate in and that of the kind of government [people] in power, that the Nigeria Police Force is exemplary of what it is today is a testament to us all [the kind of people we are] collectively as a people and the government.

Come to think of it, an average Police Officer in Nigeria today kits themselves from the meagre salaries they’re paid, work under strenuous conditions, are owned a backlog of salaries [heard of a case of 15 months] house themselves and some that are ‘fortunate’ enough to get an apartment in the police barracks live under terrible conditions [the barracks are more like buildings housing fowls] non existent welfare packages…and these same set of people are given guns to protect lives and properties!

Let’s be reasonable here,if you’re owned six months salary as a Police Officer with several demanding family needs to attend to and so many others without any other mean of income and given a gun, what would you do knowing full well what your uniform and ammunition are capable of? Even if an angel were to be in such a ridiculously precarious situation as our average Police Officers,would he have done any differently?

The above reality is the panacea for creating monsters!!!

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